The two bodies are on sale only with equipment 'Pack' (the previous Nissan 350 Z had a level of basic equipment).
The coupe costs 43,350 €. There are two versions of the convertible: a canvas roof is colored black and its price is € 46,150; another canvas roof is blue and its price is € 46,400.

The new Nissan 350 Z has a connection "Bluetooth" for the phone (only for the coupe) and can be optionally browser.

Maintains V6 engine cylinder capacity of 3.5 but with some changes that increase power to 301 hp (the previous version had 280 hp). It also has changes in direction and in the aspect of the body (very slight).

Changes in the engine are made to make it a brighter regime high. The new Nissan 350 Z is not appreciably faster than its predecessor: the maximum speed is still limited to 250 km / h and acceleration from up to 100 kph only one tenth has improved for both the coupe and convertible for.

Consumption remains unchanged: 11.4 litres/100 km for the coupe and 11.7 litres/100 km for the convertible (Roadster) approved in the cycle of consumption. The new Nissan 350 Z engine meets Euro IV pollution control standards.
Nissan 350 Z Interior

In relation to its competitors, Nissan 350 Z has some benefits commensurate with its power, although consumption in the cycle is not approved for consumption under.
Nissan 350 Z Engine

The development of Nissan 350 Z transmission in the sixth remains the same: 44.1 mph / 1,000 rpm. As the engine now gives the maximum power to a regime highest, is much longer in the sixth that in the previous model: this sixth of 44.1 mph / 1,000 rpm, is 309 km / ha 7,000 rpm (the regime maximum power), where the maximum speed is 250 km / h. In the fifth (35.1 mph / 1,000 rpm) at 7000 rpm goes to 246 mph; does not reach the maximum speed in fifth at the last moment.
The address has now assistance varies depending on the speed, to make it lighter to operate at very low speed maneuvers. The Nissan 350 Z tires now have more than half an inch wide and keep the diameter (17 ") and the extent of the tyres. There are no changes in the remaining elements of the chassis and suspensions.
The front grille is slightly different. Nissan 350 Z headlamps maintain the same cover, but some have different light projectors and LEDs for lights flashing. In the rear, pilots have 42 LEDs.
In the Nissan 350 Z interior, the numbers are different instrumentation (as Nissan, easier to read). The dashboard has some soft plastic surfaces and door panels are different.
The compartments are upholstered doors and slides that gap between the seats are now more voluminous. There is a network for maps or other objects left on the upholstery on the left knee of the companion. The commanders of the air conditioning have better touch and have fence aluminum.